GrX Life Groups exist to build authentic, loving, and vibrant relationships with one another and with God. Our desire is to partner with God in transforming people of all cultural backgrounds and personal circumstances into committed followers of Jesus Christ.

All of our life group communities:

- gather on a weekly/bi-weekly basis

- are a safe place to ask questions

- committed to build a home for multiethnic people in Silicon Valley and in the South Bay

Email Pastor Rachel ( or any of the Life Group leaders below to get more details:

  • Young Family LIFE GROUP

    Day/Time: Sunday's from 12:15PM - 1:30PM (once a month)

    Location: The King's Academy, Sunnyvale

    Contact: Pastor Rachel Taylor

    Demographic: Connecting with other young families at GrX (with a child aged 5 and under)

  • Cantonese life group

    Day/Time: Every Other Sunday at 2:00PM

    Location: Ministry Center

    Contact: Jeannie Lee & Vicky Seo

    Demographic: Cantonese-speaking


    Day/Time: Sunday's @ 4:30PM (once a month)

    Location: Cupertino

    Contact: Youwan Kang

    Demographic: Anyone


    Day/Time: Not absolutely fixed - usually Sunday evenings (once a month)

    Location: Santa Clara

    Contact: Robin Ko & Matthew Seo

    Demographic: Men (18 years and older)


    Day/Time: Every Tuesday @ 7:30PM

    Location: South Fremont

    Contact: Susie and James Soh

    Demographic: Anyone (you don't need to live in Fremont to attend)

  • "Bible talks and snacks (BTS)" life group

    Day/Time: Every Other Friday at 7:00PM

    Location: Ministry Center

    Contact: Warren and Maybelle Bartolome, Michelle Kim and Mike Lu

    Demographic: Mostly families with youth and elementary-aged kids

  • SUNNYVALE Life Group

    Day/Time: 1st, 2nd, 4th Friday's of the month @ 7:00PM

    Location: Ministry Center

    Contact: Jeremy Ou, Chiao Au, Will Au

    Demographic: Singles, Families

  • "surviving with kids" life group

    Day/Time: Friday's @ 7:00PM

    Location: Ministry Center

    Contact: June Wong

    Demographic: Men, Women, Children