KidZone is a community of kids, families, and volunteers who welcomes all children, toddlers through 5th grade, every Sunday at 10:30 AM (check in opens at 10:00 AM) at the Great Exchange Covenant Church (GrX). KidZone is neither your typical Sunday school nor is it babysitting or child care. Our KidZone experience includes hands-on Bible activities and community building through kids’ small groups. We have fun events year-round giving children an opportunity to connect, build, and serve.

At KidZone, we welcome kids with all ranges of abilities. From toddlers to preschoolers to elementary kids, we are committed to create a friendly environment for kids to build relationships with God, with their leaders and with their peers. Our leaders regularly receive training and work closely with each family. Come as they are and we will love them in ways they need.

KidZone is made possible by an amazing team of staff and volunteers! Our team goes through background checks and an extensive application process, receives training, and gets support while leading at KidZone. 

If you are new, please fill out our online form and/or email us at kidzone@grx.org for any questions. All kids will start in the main service at the start of worship at 10:30 AM. 

 Registration FORM 

Our Vision: To be a fun safe community for all kids to experience a transforming relationship with God through Jesus Christ

Our Mission: To connect all children to Christ and to one another, to build them up in love through the gospel, and to serve locally and globally

Our Values: Kid-friendly * Safe * Relevant Teaching * Creative Teaching * Relational * Fun


Early Childhood

Our Early Childhood programs at KidZone focus on teaching the Bible and experiencing God using PLAY!! Our tots & twos, threes, and fours & fives all participate in hands-on, interactive, and fun powerPLAY lessons. God’s love and His Word has meaning for ALL ages and even the youngest infants at KidZone will experience a stimulating, fun-filled environment as they learn about God. Not just babysitting here!


Our Elementary programs at KidZone focus on growing faith by being in the proximity of Jesus, understanding the Big God Story, and responding to His message through experiences and worship. Our Kindergarten/1st and 2nd/3rd classes learn through experience and community. Our 4th/5th class is our pre-teen ministry which uses challenging questions to engage the kids in stimulating and real life conversations about living life with God.

Our desire for parents to be the primary influences in a child’s faith development means that we want to support YOU as you bring each week’s lessons to your child FIRST! =)