Here are details about some of the happenings at GrX. Feel free to email us if you have any additional questions about the events and announcements listed below.
Growing With - A Parenting Series
GrX will be hosting a series on parenting from February-May based on the book Growing With by Kara Powell and Steven Argue out of Fuller Youth Institute who also created Sticky Faith. This discussion-based series will happen on the first Sunday of each month (2/2, 3/2, 4/6, 5/4) at The King's Academy. Lunch, childcare, and a place for youth to hang out are all available by signing up here at least 1 week in advance for each date. You don’t need to read the book to participate. However, if you’d like to dive into the topic deeper you can purchase and read the book by yourself, with your spouse, or with your life group!
Have a prayer request? Want to exercise your prayer muscle and connect with God and others in an intimate setting? Join Upper Room on Zoom (Meeting ID: 990 8877 0209; Password: 3350) on 1st Wednesday's of the month at 8:00PM from the comfort of your home! Private intercessory prayer appointments can also be made. Email Stephanie and Cathy.
12:30 Service
Our 12:30 Service is an opportunity to worship Jesus in a fun and freeform format. This may be a great format for neurodivergent families and individuals. We meet on 2nd Sunday's of the month in the W-Room of The King's Academy. If you have any questions about the service, please connect with Jenn to get more info.