PRAYER ministry

At GrX, we believe in the power of prayer. Not only do we incorporate prayer in our Sunday Worship Services and within our Life Groups, but there are additional ways we offer opportunities to pray. If you have any questions about below, please email our prayer ministry at


God is moving in powerful ways at Upper Room, and we invite you to join us. Come join us at 8:00PM on the first Wednesday's of the month on Zoom. We also have private intercessory prayer available by appointment. For questions or to submit a prayer request, email our Prayer Ministry.

Dates: 1st WEDs of the month

Time: 8:00PM

Location: Zoom

Contact: Stephanie and Cathy


If you have a prayer request or praise report that you'd like to share with our staff or prayer ministry, please fill out the form to the right. We would love to lift you up in prayer.

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